“Do you have trouble hearing?” asked the teacher of a youngster who sat dreamily at his desk.   “No, Ma’am,” replied the boy.  “I have trouble listening.”

Aren’t we all like that sometimes?!   Listening well is not a trait we are born with, but it can be learned.  It takes effort and intention.



Successful listeners:

  • Intently listen.  They don’t let their mind wander.  They pay close attention to the other person and what they are saying.
  • Suppress their ego.   They actually listen attentively to the other person and don’t spend that time thinking about what they want to say.  They don’t interrupt.
  • Show their genuine concern.  They truly care about the other person and what they are saying.
  • Have patience.  They patiently listen to the other person without rushing them with their body language.

Are you a good listener?  If not, then don’t despair.  You can begin today to implement the qualities listed above into your daily life so you can become a good listener.

Listen well so you can live! . . . your life to the fullest.